How to Form a Non-Profit Corporation in Florida

A non-profit corporation is a business entity that provides a benefit to the public. In exchange for the public benefit, the corporation is exempted from paying taxes on the money the corporation receives. We previously discussed how to form a business in Florida, but here are the steps to forming a non-profit corporation in Florida. … Read more

Change is Coming to Florida’s Corporation Laws

Florida recently passed legislation that will result in a re-write of  Chapter 607 of the Florida Statutes otherwise known as Florida\’s corporate statutes. This is the first re-write of the corporate statutes in more than 30 years. The new changes are expected to address several topics such as corporate document filings, proxies, service of process, remote participation … Read more

Why Your LLC Needs An Operating Agreement

What is an Operating Agreement? The LLC’s most important yet overlooked document is the operating agreement. An operating agreement is a formal document that describes how a Limited Liability Company (“LLC”) will operate. It typically describes how the LLC adds new members, the voting powers of the individual members, tax treatment, or how the members … Read more

Common Business Mistakes Made Every Day

At Bryant Taylor Law, we have a healthy mix of experienced and novice business owners. Here is a list of the 4 most common business mistakes we have observed with our business-owner clients. Business Mistake #1 Not understanding their financials Business owners do not need to be an accounting expert, but they must have a … Read more

How to Start A Business in Florida

One of the most overwhelming steps to owning a business is actually starting the business. The following is a step by step on how to start a business in Florida. How to Start A Business in Florida Step 1: Develop A plan It may sound cliché, but any successful business formation starts with a plan. … Read more

How To Form A Business Idea

Behind every business is the idea that started it all. Many people believe these ideas occur by mistake or coincidence. This is not true. It takes more than just sitting on the couch waiting for an \”ah ha\” moment. It takes patience, effort and time. The good news is anyone can form a business idea. … Read more

The Benefits of a Business Attorney

If you are a small business owner, you might be thinking to yourself, “Why would I ever need a business attorney? I’ve made it this far without one. Why do I need one now?” Many small business owners ask themselves these questions. That is, until they need a business attorney to help them understand many … Read more