Your Business Needs to Understand AI Before Implementing

Artificial Intelligence is here. In fact, AI has been a huge part of our lives for years with technology like maps, autocorrect, spellcheck, and many automation services being driven by AI. However, recent advancements in other areas of AI tech have businesses jumping at the opportunity to get ahead of the pack. If your business is already implementing AI or considering it, you’re on the right track – but you need Read More

Intellectual Property Concerns When Using AI

Much of the focus surrounding recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence has been centered on its impact on Intellectual Property. IPs hold significant value for businesses looking to grow and protect the work being done. AI, however, complicates this, as AI technologies pull from swaths of human-authored information, images, videos, sounds, data, and more. You and your business must be aware of the potential Read More

What Are These New AI Programs and How Can Florida Businesses Use Them?

As we have been covering this month, Artificial Intelligence has made leaps in recent months and there’s nothing to suggest the advancements will slow down. We have been exposed to AI for decades in some form or another, but breakthroughs over the past year have created more accessible AI programs for people and businesses to work with. Businesses need to be wary of certain concerns before implementing AI along Read More

Four Signs of a Bad Business Partner

In the business world, we can’t always do it alone. Forming business partnerships provides greater potential and possibilities, sourcing skills, insight, and capital from a variety of individuals instead of trying to put it all together on our own. This, of course, comes with some added risk – bringing partners into the fold means relying on more individuals to uphold their responsibilities. Being attentive, Read More

What are the Differences Between a Business Partnership and Joint Venture?

Deciding the best structure for your business or professional project will dictate how the government looks at your work. Different structures come with different financial and tax benefits, incentives, and costs. In working with Florida businesses, we see some professionals often get partnerships and joint ventures mixed up. There are distinct differences that set the two apart. Knowing these differences will not Read More

Can Florida Employers Force an Employee to Sign a Noncompete Clause?

Noncompete clauses have received significant attention in recent months. Employers use these as a means to protect trade secrets and keep employees from negotiating with competitors. Employees agree to these clauses, often in exchange for stronger roles, pay, and benefits. With the FTC’s proposed rule to ban noncompete clauses and a bipartisan bill considering the same, some believe these clauses could soon be a Read More

Do Oral Contracts Have Legal Standing in Florida Businesses?

When starting a Florida business, it makes sense to get all the important details down in writing. This cuts out the gray area and provides peace of mind to business partners as they focus on growing what they’ve built. But, what about situations where businesses or business partners have not put pen to paper regarding certain business matters? There have been conversations and handshake agreements, but are those Read More

What Types of Contracts Must Be In Writing?

People are often surprised to find out that an oral contract can be legally enforceable, as we discussed earlier this month. In simple terms, the agreements can be enforced if both parties fully understand and agree to the terms – but there are exceptions. In Florida, there are some types of contracts that must be in writing in order to be legally enforceable. Aligning your agreements with the standards we discuss Read More

Any Business Partner Facing Litigation Should Take This Step First

Business partnership disputes happen. We never enter into an agreement or relationship hoping it ever reaches that point, but people make mistakes and change their minds all the time. This can lead to rifts between business partners that eventually lead to litigation. As a business partner in a Florida limited liability company (LLC), understanding your rights prepares you for the possibility of litigation down the Read More

How Florida Business Owners Can Protect Their Business Without Non-compete Clauses

At Bryant Taylor Law, we are putting an emphasis on the potential nationwide elimination of non-compete clauses this month. The changes would eliminate all future and current non-compete clauses. This change would limit the ability of businesses to protect certain internal practices, procedures, and information, but there are still legal avenues to do this even without non-compete clauses. Certain aspects of your Read More