Archives for January 2020

Is a single member LLC a good idea?

A single member Limited liability company (LLC) is a business entity that offers both liability protection and tax benefits. However, a LLC involves a cost to properly establish and paperwork that is not required with a sole proprietorship. This may lead one to ask—is the single member LLC a good idea? From a business lawyer’s prospective, the answer is yes. If you are a business owner with no partners, the Read More

How to Prevent (and resolve) a Partnership Dispute

Three simple tips can help you prevent (and resolve) a partnership dispute, which translates to money saved in your pocket. Going into business with a partner has a lot of benefits, but can also have cons. Typically, things start out great with your partner but inevitably a disagreement will arise. How you handle the disagreement is what's most important. Just like in your personal relationships, great Read More

Forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Florida

Forming a Limited Liability Company ("LLC") is fairly straightforward in Florida, and only requires a few steps to get you up and running. Before deciding on an LLC, you should know that this is a type of business entity that offers liability protection for its owners. Although an LLC is a relatively new type of business entity, it has become very popular in Florida. This is mainly because of the flexibility in how Read More